Once the Election’s “Sound and Fury” Is Over, U.S. and China Should Talk About Living Together
And when that moment comes, Washington and Beijing will not be reinventing the wheel of a peaceful and productive modus vivendi. The two countries’ presidents talked -- and apparently agreed – about all those key issues during their meeting in Bali, Indonesia, on November 14, 2022. The same bila...
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U.S. Economy Does Not Need Interest Rate Cuts
A 25-basis points interest rate cut this week is in the bag. But, as always, financial markets’ greed is pushing for more, prodding the Fed to “go big” -- with another quarter point bonanza. Traders have already taken some key U.S. money market rates in that direction. Will the Fed cooperate? ...
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U.S. Should Balance Its China Trade and Clarify Bilateral Red Line Issues
Washington has blissfully ignored decades of systematic and excessive trade deficits on its merchandize trade with China. And during that time, Beijing has tirelessly lectured Washington to embrace the mantra of the “win-win cooperation” instead of a “zero sum game” of another era. Here are ...
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West’s Declining Business with China Is Depressing World Trade
During most of the last decade, there was a perfect correspondence between the annual averages in the growth of world economy (3.4%) and the global trade transactions (3.4%). Last year, that relationship broke down: the world economy grew 3.3% while the volume of world trade declined 3% to a total o...
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Wall Street Says: “The Fed Will Cave In”
That’s the reaction I got in late 1980s from one of my Wall Street contacts. Armed with a reasonably good knowledge of economics, money and banking theory and some common sense, I argued that the U.S. Federal Reserve System (the Fed) had no reason to cut interest rates to please Wall Street trader...
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The Fed Responds to Relevant Data and Ignores Temper Tantrums
A badly mismanaged U.S. economy is now going through a cyclical adjustment marked by an extremely expansionary fiscal policy, price rigidities and trade flows in a world split along increasingly bellicose security fault lines. That is the general setting in which the policy making committee of the A...
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World Economy Is Caught Up in A Broadening Global Conflict
None of the currently active war theaters is nearing a peaceful conclusion. Sadly, they are becoming intractably expanding bloodbaths or uncompromising fields of confrontation. It has been decades now that the Middle East war ceased to be synonymous with Arab-Israeli fighting. The Iran-Iraq war in t...
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The Dollar Remains the World’s Key Transactions Currency
The role of the dollar as a linchpin of the international monetary system is one of the most debated issues in the post-WWII global economy. Agreements on world trade and finance, adopted at Bretton Woods in July 1944, quickly proved inadequate. The system of fixed (but adjustable) exchange rates, a...
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The State of the U.S. Economy Is the Central Election Issue
Barring major security problems in the weeks and months ahead, jobs and incomes will stay at the top of people’s concerns in the run-up to November 5 elections. Opinion polls show that those two economic variables, and the quality of economic management, have already determined the voters’ elect...
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The E.U. Economic Downturn Will Get Worse
Caught up in a war with Russia, and in increasing trade frictions with China, the current European leaders have ignored deteriorating economies at their own peril. Policies to restore the E.U.’s peace and security are nowhere in sight, and the broadening trade conflicts with China could easily get...
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